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Bank of Kymer

Brother Echo Seeking Information from Kymer Bank Robbery

Brother Echo and Acolytes need your help identifying a bank robber. The bank where the robbery occurred is:

Bank of Kymer
West Temple Street

August 28, 2020, 1:00 p.m VZT

The suspect was a white female in his late 20’s, approximately 1’6” in height, with red hair, and a slim build. The suspect wore a blue, flat baseball hat, a light blue shirt, matching skirt and black shoes.

During the robbery the suspect approached the teller, presented a note, and demanded gold and tokens. The teller refused and on further inspection noticed damage to other rooms in the bank.

Please be on the lookout for anyone matching the suspect’s description. Be aware of anyone similar who might have recently changed their gold and token spending habits.

Bank robbery is punishable up to a 5-year void sentence for each offense and increases if a dangerous weapon is used in the commission of the crime.

If anyone has any information on the bank robbery and can help sort solve this please urgently head to the bank of Kymer.

UPDATE -  2:30 PM - Office Frank arrives late with BBQ.

UPDATE -  3:00PM - Office Frank left the scene for lunch and returned. He checked inside and gave it the all clear for everyone to enter.

UPDATE -  5:00PM - Petallypoo protest has started outside the jail. Numbers are growing.

UPDATE -  5:35PM - Petallypoo is FREE! The people have spoken.


Bank Of Kymer


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