December 2023 Update
“Celebrate what you want to see more of”- Tom Peters Another recap rather than an update. Our resolution is to post these earlier in the month in 2024. We had a lot of fun with the Holiday locales Polly set…
“Celebrate what you want to see more of”- Tom Peters Another recap rather than an update. Our resolution is to post these earlier in the month in 2024. We had a lot of fun with the Holiday locales Polly set…
“An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanksgiving Day”- Irv Kupcinet Polly ran a fun Black Friday through Cyber Monday sale which concluded with a drawing for the Santa statue that graced the VarIatIons locale during…
“Some people are born for Halloween, and some are just counting the days until Christmas”- Stephen Graham Jones There will be a lot of spooky fun coming your way this month. We will have a Double Voucher Week Oct 8-14.…
“Act as if what you do makes a difference.It does.”William James September's update is actually a recap, Prize week in September was in honor of Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19. Prizes for that week were all pirate…
"Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah, Here I am at Camp Granada."- Allan Sherman We don't have Camp Granada here, but we do have Band Camp. The prizes for Aug 13-19 are this year's Band Camp Uniforms and instruments. You can see…
"Summer breeze makes me feel fineBlowin' through the jasmine in my mind"- Jimmy Seals & Darrell Crofts We already had one July event - well it could be considered two, Canada Day and U.S. Independence Day. You can see what…
"For better than never is late; never to succeed would be too long a period."-Geoffrey Chauser "The Yeoman's Tale" Apologies for the extremely late posting of the June Update. Getting RW and IW caught up has been a bit of…
"Just because some people are fueled by drama doesn't mean you have to attend the performance."- Cheryl Richardson Prize week will be May 21-27. This month's theme is Aladdin. 1st - Camel From Agrabah '232nd-Princess Jasmine’s Rajah'233rd - Sultan's Crown…
"In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours."Mark Twain The VZones Easter Event will be April 8th & 9th. There is an event vendo at Harlequin Games Entrance. Double Voucher Week will be…
VIP Weeklies 03/10,17,24/2023 VIP Weekly Rewards - 3/10/23VIP Spring Deco - 3/10/23VIP Spring Deco - 3/10/23 VIP Weekly Rewards - 3/17/23Club VIP Spring Beauty -3/17/23Club VIP Wishing Well - 3/17/23 VIP Weekly Rewards - 3/24/23Club VIP View To Afar -…