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February 2021 Update

“Without Valentine’s Day, February would be… well, January.”
~ Jim Gaffigan

Things have been a little chaotic lately, but Andy and his tech team are working hard to stabilize and improve things. You can keep up with the current status at You can also subscribe to get email alerts. We appreciate your patience and support.

Be sure to visit the Valentine Pop-up Shop for all your V-Day needs.

VZones Lottery

Gemmy wom 107,630 tokens in the January Lottery. The drawing was held at the radio show.

Turf Deco Contest

Congratulations to the winners of the January Turf Contest. January’s theme was “New Year’s Resolutions”.

1st – Stop Overspending by Racquel

2nd – Plant Trees and Beautify World by Lucille

3rd – Volunteer at the Soup Kitchen by Rocko

This is your chance to win a prize (Shown in picture below) by entering the Turf Deco Competition. Simply get your creative hat on and design a turf that fits the theme for the month. Members with the most interesting/best design will be announced at the end of the month. There will be First, Second and Third place winners. All entries must be submitted before January 27th. Winners will be announced on February 1st.

Once your turf is completed and ready to be photographed please send an ESP/ESP Mail to Acolyte LapinFou with the turf name and location (TST/Village/etc). You do not have to be online for your turf entry to be photographed.

Rules: One entry per avatar, one room per entry.

February’s theme is “Fondest Desire”.

VZones Raffle

Join in the fun every Sunday at 9pm VZT with the Raffle Team.
Here are the prizes for this month:

Vzones Raffle Fox – Feb ’21
VZones Raffle Fuzzie – Feb ’21
VZ Raffle Heart Chime – Feb’21
VZones Raffle Bandana – Feb ’21
VZones Raffle Fuzzie – Feb ’21

Pan News

February schedule has minor change due to lack of days in month!
Prize Schedule will be as follows:
Week 1 (1-6) Acacia Blossom & Arctic Brooks
Week 2 (7-12) Copper Miner & Daffodil Dilly
Week 3 (13-18) Ebony Forest & Leaping Lepidolite
Week 4 (19-23) Phthalo & Rockin Rhodium
Week 5 (24-28) Sapphire Meadows & Slithering Serpentine

Main Prizes are Flowers From (L) and Heart on Strings
Door prizes are Heart Band and Heart Choker

In addition to these prizes, catch the Pans on the streets to see if they are doing our mini street game.
They will flip a coin for you and if it lands on a smile, you win the main prize for February, ” I Love Rockin!” bear.
If the coins lands on a frown, you win the door prize for February, “I won Rockin’s Heart!”.
Each month will be a different Brothers color!
The Pans will carry both Rockin for February and Sapphire for January to make up for any mishaps from last month!

KYMR Prizes

Come visit Ðarksider J and JavaBean at KYMR every Thursday and Saturday at 8pm VZT for tunes, dancing, and laugher. You may also win one of these prizes:

KYMR Greatest Hits – Feb ’21
KYMR Radio Tunes – Feb ’21
KYMR Radio DJ – Feb ’21
KYMR Stratocaster – Feb ’21
KYMR Rock in Peace – Feb ’21

Activity Prize

Join Azzoo Mondays and Fridays at 10pm for Prize & Voucher Hunt and K1TT1 for Hide & Seek Tuesdays at 2am. Azzoo will also be dropping Silver Vouchers during his Prize & Voucher Hunts.

Portable Kissing Booth ’21

Host Accessories

Hosts may request any or all of the host accessories. These are available in December:

I’m a Star Host! Feb ’21
The Dragon Host Feb ’21
Dedicated Host Badge Feb ’21
Host Sash Feb ’21
Host Badge Feb ’21
Dedicated Host Hat Feb ’21

Prize Market

PM VZ Classic Vendo / Prize Art

PM Exclusives

PM Shop Specials

PM Wedding Items

Club VIP

The AW Rewards Shop Clerks will get your items for you. The hours that there is a shop clerk on duty are posted on the schedule which is located on the wall outside Club VIP. Unghost and click on it to view it. Please note: Only the main avatar on a VIP account can get items from Club VIP

New this month in Club VIP

Club VIP Love Month – Feb ’21
VIP Cupid’s Helper – Feb ’21
Love Ticket – February 2021
Present this ticket to a Club VIP Clerk for your two monthly AW rewards. This claim ticket is only valid for the month and year in the ticket name.

Club VIP – February 2021

AW *Smitten – hot
AW *Smitten – soft

AW *Sweetness – priss
AW *Sweetness – pretty

AW*Warm Winter Vest – darker
AW*Warm Winter Vest – bold

February 2021 Update

Pyewacket/Pye Wabbit

Inworld trouble maker (in one form or another) since 1999

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