Place to discuss anything and everything related to VZones & get tech support.
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By Gypsy
Dia wrote:
Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:14 pm
goldenbrats2 wrote:
Tue Jul 10, 2018 8:45 pm
Lambchop here. Just letting you know that I put together a webpage that has several links to great Fan Sites to make finding these sites easier (in my opinion). If you want your site added just let me know.
Nice job! bookmarked
Ditto! ;)
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By Gypsy
Unfortunately, my estimations for space and size were incorrect and I had to create an actual website to hold all the files and codes. I apologize in advance for everyone who is keeping track and has to change their links to my site! This is the new website address for paint codes, help and software:

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By Spookie
hey :)

Is there another website with the turf previews?
The one listed does not seem to work.
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By Coal (Staff)
I am working to get the turf previews up on - I will post when I am 100% done adding them all but its a start! Hope that helps!
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By Maija
Hey Ya'll

Maija here and I've been trying to decorate more and would love a current link (that works) for turf previews.. ??? Anyone know of one... I know we had a few listed above but non are currently working anymore.

thanks ya'll