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By nodnarb
I wanted to suggest that we identify the prize items as what they are so I can stop bugging staff and asking if certain items are wearable. :lol:

As we all know, there are some unexpected items in world that are wearable and the description 'This is a monthly prize item.' doesn't tell us what the item does (wearable, container, activated knickknack).

Perhaps we could add a letter in the description? (Or some other identifier)

For example:

Wearables: This is a monthly prize item. (W)
Activated Knickknack: This is a monthly prize item. (A)
Container: This is a monthly prize item. (C)

This would be helpful before spending a bunch of vouchers and even useful in shops. Just a suggestion!
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By pyewackt
LOL @ bugging staff. I have another idea rather than adding a letter in the description. What I can do in the Prize Market is to put the the description of what type of item it is on the TMA of the example on the wall.

Thanks for the suggestion.
