January 2019 Turf Deco Contest
Submitted by RBC
Ok peeps here we go, it’s that time again. The next deco contest is coming up and I want you to start putting on your thinking caps.
This month the theme will be: An Office For Andy.
Nothing can be premade. You must build everything.
The rules are simple:
- ESP RBC to enter this contest and I will put you on my list
- You must rent a 1 room turf
- You must post your entry in the forums.
Prizes for the Deco Contest will be:
- 1st place 30 gold
- 2nd place 20 gold
- 3rd place 10 gold
Entries are due by Jan 28th 12:00 am vzt. Winners will be announced on Jan 31, 2019. There will not be a VIP contest this month.
What I am looking for is the most creative in building skills. Things like windows layering and a sense of fun.
Tips on layering:
What I do is start from the front and work backwards, but some like to start in the back and work forward but the layering is the key.
Some are better than others but that is ok. I’m looking for the ones who really try and use their visions and bring them to life.
The key when moving items is actually watching the numbers on the move screen to make sure you are in line and either lower or raise the numbers to meet the vision you have. So if you are starting at 511 in row one, then the next row you may want to do 506 for the second row.
This is just an example.
Things you may try to build are windows desks bookshelves just to name a few. Let your mind wander and see just what you can come up with.
So lets have fun with this and I look forward to seeing all of your ideas.
Here is a video showing how to create a shelving unit.